Yudy Veras Bueno

“Finding Joy is the key to life”

Yudy Veras Bueno, is a renowned Life Transformation Coach & Self-Love Expert, best-selling author and speaker.    

Through her award-winning transformative coaching program, Yudy inspires and empowers her clients to overcome their fears of self-doubt and self-imposed suffering.

Over the past decade, Yudy has helped countless individuals break through emotional barriers and discover their true self-worth.

Yudy guides her clients to find new choices and possibilities that lead to self-love and self-acceptance and a life that is joyful, more loving, and filled with compassion for themselves and others.

Yudy is a proud mom of two amazing kids, Amanda and Chris, and have been happily married for twenty-four years to her loving husband, Jonas Bueno. She resides in North Caroline.

My Journey Of Self-Healing

Ten years ago I found myself in a very dark and scary place.  I was physically ill, dealing with chronic anxiety, an eating disorder, panic attacks, depression, and chronic migraines caused by many years of unresolved issues and early childhood traumas.  All I wanted was to find a way out of my pain and misery, but I didn’t know how.


I felt defeated. I was frustrated and lost and trapped in a vicious cycle of blame, regret, guilt, and shame.

To everyone else I looked “put together.” I had a “successful” professional career in the pharmaceutical industry and a wonderful family. And yet on the inside I felt hopeless.  I was truly desperate, wearing a mask to pretend that everything was ok, when in reality, I was both physically and mentally exhausted, overwhelmed, sad, and felt totally disconnected from myself.

I was running on autopilot.  I was moving through the motions of life but wasn’t actually living it.    

After suffering a cardiovascular episode brought on by irresponsible lifestyle choices, medications, and high levels of stress, I decided that enough was enough.  I wanted to change. I needed to change.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and I was fed up with the insanity that I had caused in my life!

As I began the process of healing and transforming my life, I found answers to questions I didn’t even know I had.  I realized I was fighting the universe and its plan for me.

I wasn’t truly allowing things to unfold. I needed to trust the process.

During my self-healing journey, I discovered how to stop living on autopilot and create a life worth living. I learned the secret to creating stronger, long-lasting, heart-centered relationships based on love, compassion, commitment, and trust – starting with loving myself first! 

Click below to learn more about Yudy’s award-winning coaching programs!

The Four Pillars I Live By


An intense conviction that you are a child of God. Know that you are a being of light, eternal and with amazing powers.

You must have faith in yourself and your capacities, which are God given gifts.


You must have the courage to take every day action-steps that will take you closer to your vision to overcome your fears.

It’s not enough to have the right intuition if you don’t act on it.


Our compassion is our ability to see ourselves in others. The challenge with that is that if you do not have love and compassion for yourself, it’s hard to see yourself, let alone others.

Our Lord Jesus Christ said it better: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:37-39 New King James Version (NKJV)


You must cultivate inner wisdom and use your perceived “failures” as fuel to continue on your path for self-empowerment and growth.

Meet The Team Behind The Dream!

"Teamwork is the secret that makes common people achieve uncommon results” – Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Yudy Veras Bueno

Founder & Healer

Yudy has been healing since 2013 as a Renowned Life Transformation Coach and is spreading her influence even further with Speaking to the masses.


Chief Financial Officer

Yudy has been healing since 2013 as a Renowned Life Transformation Coach and is spreading her influence even further with Speaking to the masses.

Estevan y Sandra Fierro

Creative and Strategic Team

Specialize in creating impactful websites and managing social media effectively, ensuring that every message, post, and piece of content reflects the heart of her mission and vision.


"We couldn’t have chosen a more perfect role model for the young women who are a part of our Wonder Girls program. Her real and raw approaches are both refreshing and captivating. Yudy provides tangible tips and the know-how to help build confidence and instill a sense of self-love and worth in our Wonder Girls. As one of our first speakers to kick off our curriculum, we are so grateful for the amazing content and presentation she provides to set the foundation for our important mission.”


“Yudy came to me as a gift from God. God knew I would benefit from her approach and connected us through a newly acquainted friend of mine. I am only two sessions with Yudy, but I will say I have found her to be tremendously effective, efficient, and intuitive. The information she is offering is not new to me, but the way in which she relays the wisdom to me seems to sink into my soul on a much deeper level than other coaches. I also find it incredibly refreshing to have a spiritual coach who is lighthearted and even blunt at times when I’m falling into old silly patterns. It lessens the inner shame and I have been able to move on from “mistakes” much faster internally. She is raw, real, consistent, and clear. What a beautiful gift it has been to work with her in this capacity during this lifetime.”


"All I can say is - WORK WITH YUDY! I was a brand new loan officer at the beginning of 2022, and anyone starting in the mortgage industry knows that those first 6-12 months have a steep learning curve. Add onto that rising interest rates, two young kids, serious health problems, and I had the perfect storm for me to be completely stressed out. Yudy taught me so many strategies for me to stay focused in my business life, and also to still make sure I was spending time with my young family. I truly believe I would have given up during the early periods of mortgages if it wasn't for her. I'm still working with Yudy to this day, and she continues to help me uncover more about myself and my business! Giver her a shot and you won't regret it."


"Yudy’s program was the greatest gift I could have given myself. Through the program, I was able to make meaningful changes in my life, gain a different perspective, as well as foster healthy relationships with friends, family, and most importantly myself. Yudy gave me a great sense of comfort and understanding right from the beginning. I explored parts of my past that I never thought I would speak about again. I was able to heal, let go, and now live my best life!"


"It has been an absolute pleasure working with Yudy. She’s able to see things that I cannot see on my own which is why it’s so important to have a coach. I love her giving spirit and deep knowledge about how we can cut the bullshit and live our best life. Even one session with Yudy can change your life for the better. She’s direct, honest, but most importantly, gets results. I will absolutely be referring Yudy to anyone I know that could benefit from her service."


“The whole story is jaw-dropping and heart-wrenching. When I read this book, it hit me hard because I was in a dark place. It was comforting and just what I needed to hear. I can only say that everyone must read this book, it’s heartfelt and you feel very connected."


"The biggest obstacle to overcome is not being afraid, and I am proud to say that I have replaced fear with hope. I am happy and I feel so fulfilled everyday. I have finally my confidence back and I have returned to the happy, peppy, annoyingly optimistic person that I had always been. Thank you, Yudy. You truly are a gift!"

— Luciana T.

"One word 'mind-blowing!' This is a life-changing book that everyone should be required to read."

— Erika F.

"Today is on oregone day! That's wy ner doly slogan after weet ing yudy. I no longer wake up dreading the vorkweek, anticipating the worst. or complaining about the past. I enjoy each day and everything it brings. My new out look and approach to life houre transformed my relationship with my kids. Io so blessed and grateful to have Yudy in my life."

— Dianah

"Yudy came into my life when I thought I no longer had a way out or a solution. This powerful woman changed my life. My family was falling apart. I had a lot of things in my mind and my heart that I didn't understand. And I was living an insignificant life, stressed, with a lot of resentment. Yudy's program helped me and guided me. Yudy does everything with love and patience and with the best intentions. And that's why everything works out so well. Having a life coach was the best decision. I will be forever grateful for her."

— Suleidy T.

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Como Coach de Transformación de Vida , Yudy guía a sus clientes hacia nuevas opciones y oportunidades que les permitirán vivir la vida que deben vivir.

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